Seriously. 32 hours to get to Cairns. It sounds even worse without the time difference: we left Jon's house at 9 pm on Wednesday, and got to our apartment at 11 pm on
Friday. And you know what? It felt every bit as long as that. Our first indication was when the woman checking us in for our LAX-SYD flight (which was supposed to take off at 11:45), let us know that security closed at 1:30, so we needed to go through by then. Yeah. Our flight was delayed until 4:45 am, which made us miss our Sydney to Cairns connection, so we had to wait for a later flight. While I'm complaining, may I also add that we were in the two middle seats of a set of four in the middle of the plane in the second to last row? We booked the flight in December, but didn't call to reserve seats (Qantas is weird) until it was too late. Also, since the flight was so late getting in from New York to LA (weather problems in NYC), everyone there missed their connections to other parts of Australia, so literally every seat on the plane was full. And then there was the part where I felt nauseous for the final seven hours of the flight. Then there was the Sydney part. Let me put it this way: I started and almost finished my 450 page book in the Sydney airport. Okay, I'm done bitching. Whatever, we're here. It's hot and humid, just the way I like it (not kidding), and our apartment was in better shape that I expected. I'm planning to start work again next week.
In other news, we went to Disneyland! Twice!

Also, Jon got a "Flying Dutchman Sundae" for dessert at the Pirates of the Caribbean restaurant. Check out the cookie boat.

So, yeah, we went twice. The first time was a Tuesday, and it was totally empty, so we did all the rides we wanted to. But during the off season, there are no fireworks on weekdays. Since Jon, as a California resident, could get two days for the price of one, we went back on Saturday, rode two rides, did nerdy things like look at the Disney art gallery, and saw the fireworks. We're pretty lame.
Speaking of lame! I know I swore I wasn't going to bore you with knitting projects, but I made this on the plane to LA (which was also delayed for a couple hours.)

There are some other little projects that I have done, but I'll try to avoid telling you about them. I'll post pictures on shutterfly.
So, that's it! I'm here! Planning to start work again late next week, I'll let you know how it goes.
Okay, one more knitting picture. Just because I have to.
