I'm still alive! Sorry for being totally MIA, I really haven't had anything much to write about, and it's also just so hard to do things when you're doing nothing anyway- I'm definitely better at being busy, I think. But I figured I should write because I've found out that so many more people read this than I thought! College friends, high school friends, friends of friends, family.... hi! Feel free to comment, because really I usually feel like Abby and my mom (hi) are the only ones who read this. So I would love for you to just say hello so I have inspiration to keep this up. Anyway.... I'll try not to go on too long since, haven't been up to much, I head back to LA on February 5th, and we may go up north to see some people and go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, since I've never been. I went the Georgia Aquarium for like three hours one day, which was great. Here, have some pictures.
Just practicing to take pictures of real fish. Or, um, wild fish. Whatever, you get it.
I went to Chicago to see my cousin David's amazing production of "Into the Woods" at Northwestern, and also to see Abby and Jenna. I will post the "granparent picture" that David and I took as soon as whoever took it sends it to me. Anyway, lots of fun, a great show, too much drinking and I learned how to knit! Yes, that is what has been taking up my time for the past week. I'm making a scarf, which I will post when it's done. I'm a little over halfway (I am a knitting machine). It kind of takes over your life, I now have knitting books and visit knitting websites. I can't believe I'm telling people this. Even more people than I initially thought. Okay fine. You win. Here's a picture. I know you were begging for one. This was a couple of nights ago.
Beautiful. I know. Feel free to comment and tell me how crafty I am. Right. Anyway, it's fun. I'll let you know how it goes (I've dropped two stitches so far.)
Alright, I really have nothing to tell you. I'm done. I'll blog again whenever I have something interesting to write!
AAAAAAAA I AM SO PROUD!!! Your scarf is unbelieeeeevable!!
THAT is why our matching bracelets say Turk and JD. Doy.
So creative...so talented...so wonderful...my Tricia....I will miss you, so keep this blog up to date!!! OXOX
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