we went on a beautiful hike along the cliffs on sunday. that's a lighthouse which is just up the hill from our house. you can also see our favorite bar in this picture. the hike had a very edge-of-the-world feeling.

i was driving the boat when i took this.

this is our seal decoy. check out the bite marks. it's been through a lot.

the southern right whales say hi! (this is what we do when we can't find sharks.)

the shark that we tagged says hi too! (it was about a 2 meter male. we're going to try to find it again tomorrow.)

...and so do i!
These are awesome! Especially the gorgeous sunset. Um, and your house is on that coastal cliff? Ridiculous. How frequently do y'all replace Decoy Seal? This one looks like he might need a break...
You look very at home...tell the sharks and whales hi for me! OXOX
Love the pictures....You look great! Hugs and Kisses, Mimi
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