The party was at a "secret location," and we were just told to dress to get wet. So, we all met in a parking lot, and the "Ultimate Party" double-decker bus showed up.

Anyway, we got there, and "there" was a cable water-ski park.

Which basically means that there was a big square lake with little zip-lines going around the top, which you could hold on to while water skiing or wake boarding. I opted to watch people in the water, and I stayed dry and drank a lot and had fun.
Fun definitely included the super-awesome jukebox that included such hits as Achy-Breaky Heart and I Would Do Anything For Love (both of which were played that night).

Now I'll just show you lots of pictures of my friends.

Matt opted for water wings for his wakeboarding.

Adrian wears his camo hot-pants all day on the boat. I think they are hilarious.

Joel is one of our skippers, and Nicole is his girlfriend. She's awesome, he's my least favorite person to work with, but he's okay outside of work. You should recognize Adrian from the shorts.

Justin is much bigger than Asako.

The British boys I work with, Nathan and Matt, appropriately eating fish and chips.

God I wish these pictures had turned out better. Caine, one of the skippers, tried to ride around the water-ski thing on this inflatable dragon. Once he fell off, they went to pick him up on a golf-cart. The pictures of him actually on the dragon didn't turn out at all, but here they are with the dragon on top of the golf cart.

Ben tried to drink a beer while wearing a beard and santa hat, with a fake topiary reindeer on his head.

Said topiary reindeer got decorated with everyone's empty cans and bottles.

Asako (who was hammered) did an accidental godzilla impression, running over and tearing all the bottles off the reindeer, cuddling it and telling us it was her boyfriend.
Anyway, the pictures go downhill as everyone gets more and more drunk. So... a couple more shots of my friends.

Miho looks obese in this picture. She's not. But she is the funniest little Japanese girl I have ever met. She just left Tusa, which we are all very sad about.

Tina and Al. Tina is kind of bossy, but she's alright, and she's the only other English speaking girl on the boats. Al has a tattoo of a "made in Australia" tag on one shoulder and a Southern Cross constellation on the other. Guess where he's from.

Nicole and Asako on the dragon that Caine tried to ride.

The night ended with a bottle of Sambuca being passed around to all the staff... which ruined everyone's day the next day at work. Anyway, that was the party, fun times were had by all. I was completely hung over for the next day, but so was everyone else, so it was okay. Alright, there are more, but that's probably enough.
PS. I'll be back in the US in less than two weeks!
from your biggest fan (where are you Abby...) I love seeing all of your co-workers- very fun ( I did spend more time than I might looking for the body on the dragon....) I can't wait to see you- OXOX
I'm here, I'm here :) These are great! And I am so excited to see you!!!
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