Anyway, I got this absurdly official looking ID. To work on a dive boat... come on guys. They also didn't actually warn me before taking the picture. Oh, well.
Anyway, more exciting things! Like Sydney! So we went to take the GRE Biology. We stayed with Jenny's friends from college, Ryan and Maisie. Their apartment actually made me feel way better about ours (sorry, guys, if you ever read this), mostly because they got most of their furniture from off the street. They also pay a good bit more than we do for an apartment that is much smaller than ours. I guess that's the difference between Sydney and Cairns. Oh well, it was awesome to have a free place to stay, and we had a lot of fun with them. We went out on Thursday, our first night there, and took some pictures:

We also took the subway. And wore very similar shirts. Also, my arms are ripped from lifting tanks all day.
We went out to a couple of bars, and Jon and I tried to not be the lame old people that we are, since Maise and Ryan are all night partiers. At one point, Maisie's boyfriend Danny (the guy who isn't Ryan in the picture) came to pick us up in the "company car" (which was the catering van for the restaurant where he works.)

Anyway, lots of fun, stayed at a hotel on Friday night, took the GRE Saturday (it went pretty well, I won't have a score for like 6 weeks), went out again Saturday night, was so hung over on Sunday that I threw up twice on the plane (no idea why, I really didn't drink that much). I remember there being all sorts of funny things that I thought would be great for writing about, but I either can't remember or they aren't that funny. For instance: we're going into a bar around 2 in the morning, and Ryan and Maisie warn me that they might ask me how many drinks I've had. So, very prepared, when they asked, I confidently said "three" and held up three fingers. The truth was more like 6, so I was very matter of fact about it. That became like a catch phrase for the weekend because I was so proud of how composed I was. Anyway, when I write it, it's not funny at all. So I'll stop there. Maisie took pictures at the zoo, which will hopefully be coming soon.
Also, I have friends! (Well, I work with them. But still-- friends!)

Because I know at least Mom will want to know, the one in the brown is Tim, blue is Ryan, and green is Ben. I don't know why Ryan looks like he's about to die, also he's about to get that cast off soon. Ben is flicking off the camera because Ben cusses like a sailor even though he looks like he's 12. Tim is the one who moved back to Tasmania, which I'm sad about because I loved working with him.
Alright, that's it for now. I'll try harder to write more, and I'll add more pictures when/if Maisie sends them.
You are very right- I wanted to know about each person. I am glad that you have fun friends, and had so much fun in Sydney- I guess Team America was to get you geared to fight the terrorists? Very weird....OX
You know the most important question to be answered re: terrorist training: Was there a montage? Did it fade out?
Looks like a good time is being had by all (ha). And if you don't think I didn't check to see if you'd updated morning, noon and night, you are sorely mistaken.
Abby isn't the only one who checks all of the time- hi Abby! OXOX
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