Tuesday, August 26, 2008

getting better...

just a quick one... things are definitely looking up. feeling much better today, and had a great chumming trip. at least 12 indentifiable sharks (a couple more that we never got many markings on), a predation, whales mating, an albatross. so, good stuff all in all. the wind is picking up, so we didn't end up tagging any sharks, but we got a couple of stable isotope flesh samples. saw one shark that stef estimated was 4.3 meters (14 feet) and another that was just slightly smaller. james named the huge one big m.f. and we had another wounded shark that he named woundie. (sounds like a name i would pick). i had sharks steal the bait from me three times, which kind of sucks, we eventually had to call it a day because we ran out of bait. so that's about it, just wanted to put up a cheerier entry because today was a really really great day of sharks. i guess they don't hate me, after all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your average day is certainly different than most...glad that you are feeling better.