Well, Jon and I officially move out of our apartment tomorrow morning. It's been a stressful experience, trying to get out of the lease, get everything planned and packed and cleaned in a much shorter period of time than expected. We are staying in a hotel tomorrow night (just in case anything goes wrong with the inspection), and then we begin our drive down the coast...

In this! Our super-hip Toyota Yaris. It's pretty tiny, but it has a backseat, so no problem for holding luggage and all. Also it's stick-shift, which adds an interesting dimension to the whole driving on the left thing, but Jon is planning to do most of the driving. So that's good.
I should be able to at least post text from the road, and hopefully some pictures as well. Jon and I went on a photography tour of Cairns today (which basically meant I dragged him around town) while our apartment was being cleaned. I am finally learning how to really use my camera, and I am proud of the results!

You can hardly tell that it's a few inches of water away from being mudflats. Really, though, it is a pretty city and I'm glad I got a pretty picture. I am sorry to be leaving, but Tusa has called me to work twice total (once they cancelled on me, and once was two nights ago), so really, things just weren't making sense here. It's been a hard decision, and even now, I keep feeling like there's something else I could have done to make staying worthwhile. There's not. So, it was fun (especially before Christmas, when I had a steady job!), but now it's time for us to move on. I'll keep you updated from the road.
Beeeautiful pictures! Also, haha. Yaris.
Happy trails!
You have become a great photographer! I look forward to more from the road. I can't wait to hear of your adventures. OX
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