Just a few quick pictures from Fraser Island... we are in Brisbane tonight, and head to Surfer's Paradise in the morning. We loved Hervey Bay (where we spent the last two nights), very different than Cairns or the other places we've been. Basically if Cairns is Key West (hot, tropical, lots of partying), Hervey Bay would be Hilton Head (more sub-tropical, much quieter). I obviously love my tropical paradises, but Hervey Bay was a very nice change of pace! One of the most fun elements was the crabs. Remember the balls of sand at Mission Beach? Same type of thing, but on a larger scale. When the tide goes all the way out, the beach is massive. Check it out: this pier is nearly a kilometer long.

So you can tell how far out the tide goes. Anyway, when it's all the way out, the beach is covered in crabs! They roam in groups of probably 100-200, and there are so many you can actually hear them clicking along.

They're a little hard to photograph, because when they are threatened, they fall onto one side and start beating their legs to corkscrew into the sand. It's pretty funny. It also kind of makes you feel like Godzilla, as all of these tiny creatures run from you and try to hide. Good times.
Also, I liked these pictures.

Right, I said Fraser Island. So Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island, which is weird, because even though it's all sand, there is a huge rainforest and lots of other fun things. Like dingoes!

And rainforests! Also in this picture, our crazy German guide, Henning.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. We cruised the island in this amazing vehicle. We opted for the smaller tour (16 people instead of 40, for only like $15 more). And a hilarious looking car!

Seriously! All sand! I took this picture when our 4wd (and professional driver) got stuck in the sand and we had to get out and walk.

Anyway, Fraser is gorgeous, like this beach.

Also, this shipwreck was pretty amazing. At first, I was annoyed that there were people in the picture, but I'm not sure anyone would believe that I took it if there weren't. Okay, maybe it isn't quite that good. Whatever.

Another shipwreck picture (because you know I took hundreds. Along those lines, I've now taken more than 2000 pictures with my new camera! Crazy!)

Being a sand island, Fraser's freshwater lakes and rivers don't have any dirt in them, so they are exceptionally clear.

This creek was also very clear and pretty crazy looking. Also, much colder than the ocean. Unfortunately we couldn't swim in the ocean because apparently it is full of deadly sharks (yeah, I know, but I still stayed away).

Anyway, lots of fun. Brisbane is pretty cool, had a good dinner in Chinatown. The city is interesting because ferries are a major part of public transportation. A little daunting, but fun. Also, strange to be in a big city after so much country. Alright, running out of ways to say I'm done, so here's a picture! (Okay, two.) Bye!

I am very proud of your restraint-I can only imagine the temptation to go on a shark hunt! The creek water looks spectacular, so not a bad second. The crabs look like moving sand- very fun. I am so glad that all continues to be interesting, varied and fun. OXOX
I think i figured out how to respond finally! (yes, I know I'm incredibly technologically gifted). Anyhow, it sounds like things there are great.... although you should have gone swimming with the sharks :)
Darling, the travelog continues to be fascinating. We are counting on many more Blogs. Loads of love, Mimi
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