We finally went diving! Dash (Jon's roommate from last year) was in town visiting (his cousin got married in Sydney, so he flew up to see us) and we all went out on Passions (a different dive company) (apparently I am in a parenthetical mood). We kept calling Tusa to try to go out on the boat, but it was booked solid-- which, unfortunately, doesn't mean I've been working. So for Dash's last day in town, we decided to just try for a different boat. We chose Passions because they actually sail-- it's a huge catamaran, which was lots of fun.

It's definitely not meant as a diving trip, Jon and I were the only certified divers on the boat, and Dash was one of five intro divers. It was nice and relaxing, and the diving was alright. It gave me a good opportunity to try out my camera, and since the three of us were the only people who wanted to do a second dive, we all got to dive together with a couple of staff members. Very relaxing and a lot of fun. We also went to Michaelmas Cay, which is a tiny, very pretty island.

It is also completely covered in birds.

So... diving pictures! I took like two hundred pictures, and a few of them were decent. Oh well, it was my first try.

This was the cutest tiny little cowfish, like the one I used to have. Too bad I couldn't get a picture of the front of it.

great shots- I'm impressed!!
Good words.
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